
Where the River Rises

Poet Jane Clarke explores the Avonmore River in County Wicklow through poetry and conversation.

FIRST BROADCAST: RTÉ lyric fm, Sunday 2nd February 2025.

Among the Heather Rocks

Poet Annemarie Ní Churreáin goes home to Donegal, which has inspired her poetry through landscape, mythology and distant and recent history.

FORTHCOMING: RTÉ lyric fm, Sunday 9th March 2025 at 6 pm.

The Shaky Bridge

Irish poet Louis de Paor goes back to Cork, recalling family, friends, places, and the Cork writers he grew to know and who would influence his work.

FORTHCOMING: RTÉ lyric fm, Sunday 16th March 2025 at 6 pm.

1001 Gems (working title)

Composer Seán Doherty explores the story and dance tunes of Francis O’Neill.

FORTHCOMING: RTÉ lyric fm. Date to be confirmed.

Lament for Art O’Leary

The premiere of a new opera by composer Irene Buckley, with lyrics by poet Vona Groarke, inspired by the poem Chaoineadh Airt Uí Laoghaire.

FIRST BROADCAST: RTÉ lyric fm, Sunday 15th December 2024.

Crossing the Sound

First broadcast in 2019, Gerald Dawe (1952-2024) goes on a poetic odyssey through the west of Ireland.

RE-BROADCAST: RTÉ lyric fm, Sunday 29th December 2024.

Michael Longley’s Life of Poetry

Marking his 85th birthday on 27th July 2024, Belfast poet Michael Longley looks back, in conversation with Olivia O’Leary, and on a life of 60 years of poetry. Re-broadcast as a tribute to the poet’s life and work following his death on 22nd January 2025.

FIRST BROADCAST: BBC Radio 3 The Essay, 8-12 July 2024

ADDITIONAL BROADCAST: Proms Interval (compilation of extracts from The Essay), BBC Radio 3, Sunday 11 August 2024

RE-BROADCAST: BBC Radio 3 The Essay 10-14 February 2025

A Jamaican Poet in Dublin

Jamaican poet Jason Allen-Paisant tells the story of another Jamaican poet, Ferdinand Levy, who was a student in Dublin in the 1930s and 40s and asks why his poetry has been overlooked for 80 years.

FIRST BROADCAST: BBC Radio 4: 17 March 2024

Available to listen back 17 March to 21 April 2024.

The Musician That Is Me

A profile of contemporary musician Jane O’Leary.

FIRST BROADCAST: 20 October 2024, RTÉ lyric fm